Saturday 26 March 2011

YOUR MAGICKAL TOOLS: MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon & Coven


Know Thyself
Your Intent
Your dedication to the vocation of the Craft path
Your respect for all things seen and unseen
Your respect for those who have studied the Craft path for their experience and devotion to knowledge
Your dedication to the God and Goddess
and, your deep appreciation to our Ancestors
from the teachings of Lady Raven AvalonHigh Priestess, Black Raven Coven

Proud to be a Witch by Lady Raven Avalon author of MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon

another very frequently asked question in our coven email (

I get told all the time by people who claim to be Christian,You will burn in hell for your Satanistic rituals and Devil worshiping ways" First off, It's your Hell, you are the one who will burn in it for your hateful ways. Do any other pagans get lumped by ignorance and judgmental ways people who dont understand us?How do you all handle the slander, ridicule, religious discrimination and hate?
xxxxxxx xxxxx
Merry Meet, many newcomers into the Craft of The Wise go through this ,too many preachers with condemnation for people with a different view. Firstly, we do not believe in Satan as he is an entity made up by the christian hierarchy to scare the ordinary folk and keep them in line. For a newcomer Wicca is a religion while Witchcraft is a "way of life" or a practice. The difference between these two arises from the goal they aim to reach.

The terms Black or White Magick really have no meaning. Magick in itself is a neutral force. It is how you use it that determines whether it is for good or bad. However, Witches bear in mind the message given in the Wiccan Rede and the Threefold rule; "What you do will return to you threefold"; hence, it is not advisable to actually work any harmful Magick.

The mission of our book MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN is to spread the truth and beauty about Witchcraft and Paganism. I want everyone to know our true history, our true practices and our true beliefs. I want to stop prejudice, bigotry and hatred towards and against all Witches and Wicca and any others that may share our similar beliefs. I want to spread the truth in order to bring the Craft back to its proper place in today's mainstream religions. I enjoy awakening the spark deep within beginners and awaken the sleeper.

As a Witch you will learn to honor yourself, know thyself and live a Magickal life and incorporate Magick into your daily life. You will learn to have a strong moral foundation and treat treating everything in this universe in a loving manner. Finally, as a Witch you will learn to understand these words "do as you will but harm ye none", the criteria for all your actions and your intentions.

I am a Witch and I am proud to proclaim it,the Goddess helps me and comforts me in adversity,Stand Tall and worship Her at all times,Walk in the light and you will never go astray.

Blessed Be Lady Raven Avalon

Link to paperback book MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN -New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise

Link to downloading book
MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN -New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise

learning Witchcraft by Lady Raven Avalon Black Raven Coven - Full Moons

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, there are typically twelve named full moons every year. The exception to this is, of course, the somewhat rarer Blue Moon. Those twelve named full moons are:
January – Wolf Moon
February – Snow Moon
March – Worm Moon
April – Pink Moon
May – Flower Moon
June – Strawberry Moon
July – Buck or Sturgeon Moon
August – Fruit or Barley Moon
September – Harvest Moon
October – Hunters Moon
November – Beaver Moon
December – Cold or Long Nights Moon
Since the Lunar cycle is only 29 days and our modern calendars have 30 or 31 days in a month, the dates of the full moon shifts from year to year, and occasionally allow that colorful Blue Moon

Review of our Coven Book: MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon & coven

We would like to share a recent review of our Coven Book
MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon & coven

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"Mar. 11, 2011 By Ester fanning
for the new witch or wiccan Once you start reading, it is almost impossible to do anything else. Written like a textbook or a guide book this is an intriguing and helpful book for anyone in pursuit of magic. This book is a must read for any new witch or wiccan and stands as a shining example of how a group of people in a coven came together and wrote such a wonderful introduction to witchcraft. Read it. It changed my world."
Lady Raven Avalon

Ravens: In Magick by Lady Raven Avalon author of MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon

Raven's Knowledge" was applied to the human gift of second sight. Ravens are known around the world as shape shifters. The raven symbolizes wisdom, hope, longevity, fertility. In Magick the raven represents change, metamorphosis and mystery. The raven is symbolic of mind, thought and wisdom; unveiling of inner depths ,
Lady Raven Avalon

***To invoke Raven as bird of prophecy, you can use the old English rhyme used to interpret omens by the number of ravens, crows, or rooks seen in a flock:
One for bad news,
Two for mirth.
Three is a wedding,
Four is a birth.
Five is for riches,
Six is a thief.
Seven, a journey,
Eight is for grief.
Nine is a secret,
Ten is for sorrow.
Eleven is for love,
Twelve - joy for tomorrow. ***


Merry meet may I introduce our new members to our Coven & book (Black Raven Coven) which is for new witches & witches (new seekers of the mysteries of the Craft of The Wise) and this week we will be discussing in our group on Facebook THE THREEFOLD LAW OF RETURN
link to facebook:

When you learn and talk to other Witches about ethics in Witchcraft, you will hear them refer to the Law of Three. The Law of Three explains the results of actions. The Threefold Law of Return is not just a "Witch" belief, it is very similar to the Hindu and Buddhist principles of Karma.

Karma simply means:

"Whatever malevolent or negative actions you carry out will return to you with three times the force; whatever energy you release, you receive it back to yourself thrice the amount.”

The Law of Three, also called the Rule of Three, is the concept that everything you put out returns to you Threefold. This rule applies to physical action, Magickal action and everyday life.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Is the most simple explanation of the Threefold Law of Return.

© Lady Raven Avalon (abstract from Magick for the New Witch & Wiccan by Lady Raven Avalon & Coven)

Bath spell for purification and new beginnings for Ostara by Lady Raven Avalon

Bath spell for purification and new beginnings for Ostara

From the teachings of Lady Raven Avalon author of
MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Path of the Wise By Lady Raven Avalon
You will need:
a handful of fresh rue or thyme
x1 tablespoon of salt
x1 teaspoon of vinegar
X1 white candle
X1 blue candle
x1 pin or needle
X1 honeysuckle incense stick
Take your blue candle and your pin and inscribe the following words on it – over, finished
Take your white candle and your pin and inscribe the following words on it – fresh start, growth, new
Light your candles and incense. Run your bath and place the rue, salt and a teaspoon of vinegar into your bath. While in your bath meditate on new beginnings, fresh starts and imagine a blue light enter the top of your head, going down through your body and exiting through the end of your feet. This is removing all bad habits, unwanted thoughts and actions from your life. Now imagine a white light entering the top of your head and healing you completely. Enjoy your bath and when finished allow the candles and incense to burn out of its own accord.